Se årets Raftokonferanse her

Gikk du glipp av årets Raftokonferanse? På denne siden ligger opptaket fra arrangementet 12. november. Hovedtale ved Raftoprismottaker Nodjigoto Charbonnel og andre innlegg fra internasjonale eksperter relatert til årets pristema.


  • Welcome
  • By Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt, Executive Director at the Rafto Foundation and moderator Adele M. Mestad, Norwegian National Human Rights Institution (NIM)
  • Keynote Speech
    Speaker: Rafto Laureate Nodjigoto Charbonnel, Director of Association Jeunesse pour la Paix et la Non-Violence (AJPNV
  • Musical performance
    Johanna Saaek
  • Chad - A short Introduction to History and Politics
    By Ketil Fred Hansen, Professor University of Stavanger
  • Testimony (video)
    With Kolbassia Haoussou, human rights activist and co-founder of
    Survivor Speak OUT
  • How can torture be prevented in Chad?
    Speaker: Delphine Djiraibe, Human rights lawyear at Public Interest Law Center in Chad
  • The importance of rehabilitation of torture survivors
    Speaker: Lisa Henry, Secretary-General, at International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims
  • Musical performance
    thea wang
  • How can we fight torture and defend the rights of survivors?
    Panel discussion with: Dr. Isidore Collins Ngueuleu, The World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT), Dr. Vivienne Nathanson, UN Voluntary Fund for Victims of Torture and Nodjigoto Charbonnel.

Photos: Ingvild Festervoll Melien