KYGO's Golden Hour piano soon to be auctioned
We are happy to announce that KYGO's latest piano, the Golden Hour piano, will soon be auctioned! The auction money goes to Rafto Foundation to help those who are in the frontline and struggle for human rights for everyone. Kygo became an Rafto ambassador in 2016 and has then supported the Rafto Foundation’s work for human rights defenders.
Most of the new songs on the soon to be released Golden Hour album has been produced on a piano in Kygo's home in Bergen. Starting Saturday this very piano will be auctioned. A beautiful brass plaque with Kygo's signature is mounted onto the Yamaha U3 Model piano that Kygo purchased in 2017.
"I hope the new owner will let the piano be used to bring joy to themselves and others. Bringing joy and happiness to other people is really all my music making is about. Let this piano keep on doing this while the auction money goes to Rafto Foundation to help those who are in the frontline and struggle for a better world for all of us," says Kygo.

The auction starts on Saturday at 18.00 CET, and a link for bidding will be publsihed at www.goldenhourpiano.com