FIDESZ - Péter Molnár
The second of the 1989 Rafto Prizes was awarded to FIDESZ, (Fiatal Demokraták Szövetsége), the alliance of young democrats founded in 1988 as a liberal youth organization that played a very important role in the transition to democracy in Hungary
Péter Molnár received the Rafto Prize on behalf of FIDESZ as one of its founders and also as a member of leadership at that time. Péter Molnár is a writer, activist, former Member of the Parliament of the Republic of Hungary (1990-1998) and Senior Research Fellow at the Center for Media and Communication Studies at Central European University in Budapest.
He specializes in enabling policies for freedom of speech, a subject he has been teaching since 1994. 'Searchers', the play based on his novel, received awards for the best alternative and the best independent play in Hungary in 2007.
FIDEZ became a liberal party in 1990. Some years later, the party was transformed fundamentally and now does not exist as a liberal party. For the Rafto Foundation, Péter Molnár represents the liberal spirit of the organization that was awarded the prize in 1989.
Letters and Reports
Other laureates

Luis Manuel Otero Alcántara

Defence for Children International-Palestine (DCIP)

Nodjigoto Charbonnel

Human Rights Data Analysis Group

Egyptian Commission for Rights and Freedoms

Rouba Mhaissen

Ombudsman Adam Bodnar

Parveena Ahangar & Parvez Imroz

Yanar Mohammed

Padre Melo

Agora - Pavel Chikov

Bahrain Center for Human Rights

Nnimmo Bassey

Sexual Minorities Uganda

José Raúl Vera López

Malahat Nasibova

Bulambo Lembelembe Josué

National Campaign on Dalit Human Rights

Thích Quảng Độ

Lidia Yusupova

Rebiya Kadeer

Paulos Tesfagiorgis

Sidi Mohammed Daddach

Shirin Ebadi

Kim Dae-jung

Gennady Grushevoy


Ian Hancock

Palermo Anno Uno

Committee of Soldiers' Mothers of Russia

Leyla Zana

José Ramos-Horta

Preah Maha Ghosananda

Yelena Bonner

Aung San Suu Kyi

Doina Cornea

Trivimi Velliste