Solidarity with the protesters in Russia
Russia is more than Putin. In the streets we see thousands of Russians condemning Putin's military invasion of Ukraine, and thousands have allready been arrested. The Rafto Foundation gives support to the people who are challenging Putin at home, and the human rights defenders working to defend the participants in anti-war actions.
Photo: Demonstrators decry their country's invasion of Ukraine in St. Petersburg, Russia, on Friday, Feb. 25/22. DMITRI LOVETSKY / AP / NTB
On the streets of various cities in Russia, thousands of people have demonstrated against the war in Ukraine and against Putin's policy. More than 2,000 people have been imprisoned, and the numbers are increasing by the hours
Thousands expected to be arrested
"The Russian invasion of Crimea, and the propaganda that followed, has made many opponents. In addition, Russians communicate better on social media, and read news in other languages (...) "We expect thousands of arrests in the coming days", Pavel Chikov told Bergens tidende on Sunday.
Pavel Chikov and the lawyers at Agora, recieved the Rafto Prize in 2014 as a recognition of their relentless and professional work defending human rights, including the right to a fair trial and other human rights in a Russia where organisations and individuals are subjected to increasing constraints from the country’s authorities.
Agora are now taking on the defense of the people who have been arrested for protesting the war.
Solidarity with the protesters - join our petition!
The Rafto Foundation gives the people of Russia and Belarus who are standing up against the regime its fullest support in the struggle for democracy and human rights. These are horrible times, but in the moment of war and destruction and in a climate of total oppression we are encouraged by your protests against the regimes of Putin and Lukashenka.
Join our petition to stand in solidarity with protesters in Russia and Belarus
Солидарность с протестующими!
Дорогие русские и белорусские друзья в борьбе за демократию и права человека! Мы живем в ужасние времена, но в час войны и разрушения и в атмосфере тотального угнетения нас воодушевляет ваши протесты против режимов Путина и Лукашенко.
Read the interview with Pavel Chikov here (in Norwegian only): https://www.bt.no/nyheter/uten...
Iver Ørstavik
Senior AdvisorMeans of contact | Contact details |
Phone: | +47 47096755 |
E-mail: | iver.orstavik@rafto.no |