Rafto laureates in solidarity with children of Palestine

Our Rafto laureates have joined together in a unified declaration to express their solidarity with the children of Palestine.

Published: Wedensday, May 29, 15:15

When our Rafto laureates recently convened in Geneva, they penned a joint declaration to express their unwavering solidarity with the children of Palestine.

"Palestinian children have endured genocide for seven months. The international community must imidiatly force Israel to be held accoutable for these crimes against Palestinians, says Khaled Quzmar, director of Rafto laureate 2023 Defense for Children International - Palestine.

"Enough hypocrisy"

Rafto laureate 2019, Rouba Mhaissen, agrees.

– We want to demand accountability for the crimes that Israel has commited on the Palestinain people. And we want to demand the application of international humanitarian law, without dicrimination. Enough hypocrisy and double standards," Mhaissen emphasized.

Solidarity from around the world

Bishop José Raúl Vera López from Mexico, recipient of the Rafto prize in 2010, conveyed his prayers for the Palestinians.

– You will be in peace, with justice and you will be free, Vera López, says.

The message from our laureates resounds clearly:

They stand in solidarity with the children of Palestine and unequivocally call for peace in the region.

Watch the video above and read the full statement here:

We want to demand the application of international humanitarian law without dicrimination.

Rouba Mhaissen, director of Sawa for Development and Aid (SDAID) and Rafto laureate 2019


Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt

Executive Director
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